What are the methods inside the Object class?
What is serializable?
What is clonable?
I have a class A and class B which is having a method M(). What are the different ways by which I can access method M in class B from the class A?
How is equals method and hashcode related to each other?
How will you implement the security in glassfish server?
What is the difference between interface and abstract class?
What is the life cycle of a servlet?
Have you used any listener?
Where is finalize() method coming?
Write a code to check whether the given ip is valid or not?
What is MDB?
Have you used swing?
What are the different transactions in EJB?
What is encapsulation?
What is the need for encapsulation?
What are the steps involved in a data base connection?
What is the difference between prepared statement and callable statement?
I am accessing a db but I got “too many cursor open” error. What can be the possible reason?
Draw and explain the life cycle of JSF
What re the methods involved in creating the custom component in JSF?
What is the difference between MDB and session bean?
I am selecting some products from a store and I want it to insert those things in the DB. Write the EJB code for that.
What is the difference between stateful session bean and stateless session bean?
How will you do the persistence in EJB?
If String str=”abc”; and String str1=”abc”; what will be the output of this? If(str == str1) Sysout(true); else sysout(false);
What is garbage collection?
What is the reason for which jvm thinks of doing garbage collection OR when will jvm will start garbage collection?
What is checked and unchecked exception?
If I am throwing an unchecked exception from a code how will you convert it to a checked exception?(I didn’t understand this question)
Can you explain hbm file in hibernate? Is there any other way of doing the mapping other than hbm files?
How will you take the build? using any script or some tool?
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